Pork Steak Dinner

Progressive Grange Pork Steak Dinner - $12.00 - includes pork steak, baked potato, green beans, salad and dessert.  You may get carry out or dine in.  There is an Open House Theatre show starting at 7:00 p.m. free.  Those just coming to the show will pay $5.00 per person.  Open House Theatre will be showing clips from several plays honoring the Eileen Beck, Sandy Hesse family and the Brenda Nuernberger, Kelly Rowold family.  This will be followed by a one act play starring John Lukomski, Bryan Rausch, Cathy Schilling, Dennis Blair, Aaron Gutjhar and Becky Gutjhar Ryan.  


Progressive Grange 8855 Schaller Road New Athens